Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday's Inspiration

I love both of these photos today! I am a sucker for any and all things pretty and I'm one of those people who enjoys wrapping presents! Just ask my daughter, we spent almost an hour at the craft store picking out just the right paper for my gifts this year!

(photos Nice Package)

Which makes me wonder, do you spend time making your presents look pretty or do you think, why bother they are just going to rip it off and throw it away anyways???


LIZ said...

I sooo want to BE you right now!!!

Sharon McKinley said...

It's all about the wrapping!

Sharon McKinley said...

I also use old Christmas cards, cut out the picture and use them as gift tags!

Dawn said...

I spend a lot of time wrapping gifts, and they always look horrible. I'm wrapping Em's gifts and the rest will go into gift bags. Maybe you can teach me how to be a better wrapper!

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

That's a great idea Sharon! Gift bags are my stand by for sure when I'm in a hurry, best invention ever!!